Vol. 56 No. 3 (2001):

Environments inhabited by the woodcock in the mountain area of Appennino Tosco-Romagnolo (Italy)

Paolo Casanova
Docente di Biologia delle specie selvatiche, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie agrarie, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Anna Memoli
Dottoranda di ricerca, Dipartimento di Scienze zootecniche, Università degli Studi di Firenze.

Published 2013-06-19


The likely decreasing of the Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola L.), in the mountain area of the Appennino Tosco-Romagnolo (Italy), points out the importance of preserving and managing the environments inhabited by this species during the migratory flight. The work was aimed at improving the knowledge about the use of the various habitats by the Woodcock in different areas of the Appennino Tosco-Romagnolo, where the species is present both in spring and autumn.