Vol. 79 No. 4 (2024)
Special section

The "new" forest planning in Italy

Piermaria Corona
Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA), Centro di ricerca Foreste e Legno - Viale Santa Margherita 80, 52100 Arezzo (Italy)

Published 2024-10-15


  • forest management,
  • forestry,
  • Italian national forest law


The Italian National Forestry Law (legislative decree no. 34/2018) has given centrality to forest management planning. The hierarchy of forest programming and planning is defined by article no. 6. In 2021, the interministerial decree implementing the component of forest planning envisioned by this article was issued and then, in 2023, the departmental decree with the definition of the list and formats of alphanumeric and geographical data and the methods by which to report the metadata in the forest planning documents was also issued. With these last two decrees a new phase has opened for forest planning in Italy, oriented towards the implementation of the provisions. The objective outlined for the “new” forest planning in Italy is challenging and demanding, and represents a significant investment in the process of improving the forestry sector of our country.


  1. Corona P., Barbati A., Ferrari B., Portoghesi L., 2019 - Pianificazione ecologica dei sistemi forestali. Compagnia delle Foreste, Arezzo; ISBN: 8898850360, 9788898850365
  2. Corona P., Becagli C., Cantiani P., Chianucci F., Di Salvatore L., Di Salvatore U., Romano R., Vacchiano G., Ferretti F., 2020 - Elementi di orientamento per la pianificazione forestale alla luce del testo unico in materia di foreste e filiere forestali. Rete Rurale Nazionale 2014-2020, Scheda n. 22.2 - Foreste, CREA, Roma; ISBN: 9788833850573
  3. Corona P., Cucca B., Alivernini A., 2022 - Un percorso sfidante per la pianificazione forestale in Italia. Forest@, 19: 95-97; https://doi.org/10.3832/efor4175-019
  4. Corona P., Cucca B., Romano R., Alivernini A., 2023 - Sintesi tecnica per l’implementazione delle banche dati della pianificazione forestale in Italia. L’Italia Forestale e Montana, 78: 31-53; https://doi.org/10.36253/ifm-1097