Vol. 75 No. 4 (2020):
Special section

The Green Paper of the Lombard Forests: desires, expectations, proposals

Enrico Calvo
ERSAF, Lombardia
Roberto Cremaschi
ERSAF, Lombardia
Alessandro Rapella
ERSAF, Lombardia

Published 2020-09-21


  • green book,
  • lombard forests,
  • CamminaForeste,
  • forest strategy


The Green Book of the Lombard Forests is the result of a participation initiative promoted by ERSAF to gather ideas, contributions and proposals to re-launch at the regional level a perspective of reflection and development of the forest sector.

In highlighting the importance of the social role of forest resources, the document identifies:

-       the main priority themes today priority for Lombard forests and their role in society;

-       the governance model that allows the effective involvement of each level of interest in a framework of common objectives, roles assumed with responsibility and shared rules;

-       the strategic objectives of the coming years;

-        possible guidelines and definition of possible large areas of regional project, for which to define priorities and resources.