Vol. 67 No. 2 (2012)
Special section

The social and cultural dimension in the sustainable management of the Forest of the Phlegraean Area and Cumae Mont

Clelia Cirillo
CNR, Istituto di Biologia Agroambientale e Forestale, U.O.S di Napoli,Via Pietro Castellino, 111 - 80131 Napoli; tel. 081 560 73 28; fax 081 560 58 35
Giovanna Acampora
Istituto di Biologia Agroambientale e Forestale, U.O.S. di Napoli.
Marina Russo
Istituto di Biologia Agroambientale e Forestale, U.O.S. di Napoli.
Luigi Scarpa
Università di Napoli Federico II, Scuola di Master di Pianificazione Urbana
Claudio Ansanelli
Regione Campania, Assessorato Agricoltura e Foreste, STAPF di Napoli.
Carmine Baselice
Regione Campania, Assessorato Agricoltura e Foreste, STAPF di Napoli.
Diego Giuliani
Parco Regionale dei Campi Flegrei

Published 2013-05-06


  • urban forestry,
  • landscape ecology,
  • GIS modelling


The recreational function of forests is covered by the general declaration, signed in addition to the five resolutions adopted at the Fourth Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (Vienna 2003). In accordance with the provisions, the Campania Region, initiated similar activities designed to make available the public forests under its jurisdiction. The social and cultural dimension is an aspect of the sustainable management of forests (Agnoletti M., 2008). In this respect the Department of Agriculture has promoted the public utilization of the Forest of the Phlegraean Area, offering numerous educational and recreational activities organized by the Technical – Administrative Sector of Naples Forests (STPF Naples) throughout the year, to enable visitors to discover and appreciate the beauty and the special aspects of the forest to the community (Regione Campania, 2009). The site of great natural and cultural value included in the Regional Park of Campi Flegrei is located a few kilometres from the city of Naples and forms a unique feature with the archaeological site of Cumae. The forest borders the dunes of the coast of Cumae, qualified by the European Union, Site of Community Importance. The restoration of the Circumflegrea suburban railway station, situated in the middle of 100 acres of the forest, strongly promoted by Naples STAPF in accordance with SEPSA, has been a strategic element of the sustainable exploitation of the natural and archaeological site for recreational purposes. Naples STAPF, aiming at realizing a model of environmental management and education, has set up a twinning arrangement with the French Natural Parks of The Camargue and des Alpilless aimed at sharing sustainable practice of protected area management. The establishment within the station of Cumae of a multipurpose centre used as a teaching laboratory, created the optimal conditions for the cultural and scientific development of the site.