Vol. 60 No. 5 (2005):

Functions, role and training needs of the Incident Commander. (part 1)

Annalisa Bogo
Laureata in Scienze forestali e ambientali, dottorando di ricerca presso Dip. Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali, Università degli Studi, Padova
Raffaele Cavalli
Professore ordinario di Meccanizzazione forestale, Dip. Territorio e SistemiAgro-Forestali, Università degli Studi, Padova
Giancarlo Cesti
Tecnico degli incendi boschivi, Direzione Foreste del Dipartimento RisorseNaturali, Corpo Forestale, Protezione Civile e Antincendio – Regione Valle d’Aosta

Published 2005-10-31


  • forest fire fighting,
  • incident commander,
  • training


The paper deals with the functions of the Incident Commander (I.C.), whose task is so deeply complex that needs an ad hoc training program organisation. I.C.’s functions, among which there are the decision making process, the communication and the coordination, are analysed, emphasizing the critical factors, and examining carefully the I.C.’s character and behavioural profile.