Vol. 66 No. 2 (2011):

Risk analysis in the Province of Messina through a statistical methodology

Angela Alibrandi
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Finanziarie, Sociali, Ambientali, Statistiche e del Territorio (S.E.FI.S.A.S.T.), via dei Verdi 75, 98122 Messina.
Alberto Soraci
Servizio Ispettorato Ripartimentale delle Foreste di Messina, via T. Cannizzaro 88, 98122 Messina;
Agata Zirilli
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Finanziarie, Sociali, Ambientali, Statistiche e del Territorio (S.E.FI.S.A.S.T.), via dei Verdi 75, 98122 Messina.

Published 2011-04-30


  • fire risks,
  • planning of fire prevention and suppression,
  • fire risks indices,
  • fire risk list,
  • trend analysis


The seriousness of “The Forest Fire Phenomenon” represents a constant threat to the safety of people living in rural and mountain areas, causing direct and indirect damages to the forest. Therefore, the importance of the fire activity programme is evident, as it allows to focus on fire danger, planning the available resources before starting each forest fire fighting campaign. Through a synergy between statistical methodology and forest protection, fire risk has been analysed in the province of Messina, in order to identify the most dangerous areas and to plan priority actions to improve fire prevention system.