Vol. 70 No. 6 (2015)
Special section

Monumental trees of Abruzzo: from knowledge to the protection

Caterina Artese
Direttrice dell’Orto Botanico di Penne presso la Riserva Naturale Lago di Penne (PE)

Published 2016-03-22


  • monumental trees,
  • old-growth forest,
  • forest biodiversity,
  • conservation


This article describes the legislative process that has led to the protection of the monumental trees in Abruzzo Region (Central Italy), starting from 1971 when Franco Tassi, Director of the National Park of Abruzzo, launched the “Big Tree” operation, with the collaboration by WWF. The history of the monumental tree censuses in Abruzzo is also reported and the current regional list of 363 monumental trees, protected by the Decree no. 72/2012 of the President of Regional Council, is illustrated, as documented by the book “Monumental Trees of Abruzzo”. Distinctively, the top ten monumental trees as concern stem size, tree height and tree canopy cover are here presented. Finally, the many reasons to protect the monumental trees, in the light both of the latest scientific research findings and of an ecocentric perspective, are stressed.