Vol. 70 No. 2 (2015):

Estimated harvest indexes related to hunting wild boar in two forest environments in Tuscany

Andrea Gaggioli
D.R.E.Am. Italia Soc. Coop. Agr. For. Via Garibaldi 3 - 52015 Pratovecchio (AR).
Giulia Visani
D.R.E.Am. Italia Soc. Coop. Agr. For. Via Garibaldi 3 - 52015 Pratovecchio (AR).
Lilia Orlandi
D.R.E.Am. Italia Soc. Coop. Agr. For. Via Garibaldi 3 - 52015 Pratovecchio (AR).

Published 2015-07-08


  • wild boar,
  • harvest indexes,
  • population trend estimate


The aim of this study was to analyze wild boar population dynamics using indexes related tohunting in two areas of Tuscany located in the Provinces of Pistoia and Grosseto. Ratio analysisshowed different trends in the two areas. The data on the structure of the population confirmedthe observed trends. We used a method for controlling the age of the wild boars reported byhunters, which allowed us to estimate the error of this evaluation. Harvest indexes, if detectedand corrected according to standardized methods, proved to be a good approach for wild boarmonitoring for management purposes