Vol. 56 No. 2 (2001):

Studies on the evolution of floristic composition in revegetated ski runs in Va1 Badia (BZ)

Remigio Tallarico
Dipartimento di Scienze Agronomiche e Gestione del Territorio Agroforestale. Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Giovanni Argenti
Dipartimento di Scienze Agronomiche e Gestione del Territorio Agroforestale. Università degli Studi di Firenze.

Published 2013-06-18


Revegetation of ski runs is important to reduce erosion and for their better insertion in the landscape. Mixtures used are often composed by fodder species (mainly grasses) that grow and cover quickly the soil but they can cause problems in renaturalization by local species. Results from some studies conducted in two ski runs of Val Badia (BZ) concerning cover, vegetal evolution and floristic complexity are reported. Soil cover was effective and always around 80%. Vegeta1 evolution towards swards constituted by local species was very slow, either for the creation of an artificial and competitive sward, or for the management that permitted the recurrent overseeding of original species used in the revegetation. The limited recolonization by native plants was demonstrated also by the decreasing of floristic composition of the swards, always dominated by the introduced species. Recorded data showed the good ability of used mixture in covering the soil, even if some inconvenients were encountered in the renaturalization process and in the level of biodiversity reached.