Vol. 57 No. 5 (2002):

Stand volume tables for estimating stand volume of the woods in Emilia Romagna

Remo Bertani
Dottore Forestale libero professionista – Studio R.D.M.

Published 2013-06-17


Estimating wood volume is a very difficult and expensive phase either in forest management, monitoring and seling. With the help of the relascope, the stand volume tables are tools able to provide, under controlled expenses, a practical and accurate estimation of the woody mass. During the dendrometric survey of the Forestry Inventory of the Emilia Romagna Region, a large number of samples plots, which have involved all the hill woods and the mountain ones of the region, was measured. Using this information, eight stand volume tables for the main woods of Emilia Romagna Region were constructed. The tables provide the estimation of the unitary woody mass in terms of stem volume in relationship with the unitary basal area per hectare and the dominant height.