Vol. 57 No. 1 (2002):

A new persuasive lexical expression: the nature opportunistic sylviculture

Fabio Clauser
Dirigente del CFS a r.

Published 2013-06-06


At the end of the last century, in the Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forshvesen, Jean Philipe Schutz proposes an interesting attempt of ecologica1 and pragmatic solution to the present crisis of forest economy. He matches his own suggestions with many an innovation worthy of a detailed semantic analysis. Among the different neologisms used, the expression «nature opportunistic sylviculture» seems to be the best way to describe «the new» or maybe just «the different», compared to the traditional approach of the Swiss Forest School. In its extreme semplicity, the expression shows in a clear and persuasive way the necessity of a strong change in the way of thinking and of exercising sylviculture and gives hope far the future.