Vol. 60 No. 1 (2005):

Bird monitoring in a proposed site of community importance

Davide Melini
Dottorando di ricerca in Economia, Pianificazione Forestale e Scienze del Legno. Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali Forestali, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Coordinatore Prof. O. Ciancio.

Published 2005-02-28


  • bird monitoring,
  • sites of community importance,
  • forest planning,
  • breeding bird community


The paper describes the usefulness of bird monitoring for the planning of a site with particular value, that includes wide wood surfaces. The avifauna in the study area is rather diversified. It includes adaptable species, raptors, species that live in woods, species that live in open habitats. Moreover we have observed migratory birds. The breeding bird community in forest stands is not rich: they are young and their structure is semplified. Area state could be improved with active interventions. These are: the conservation of shrubs, pastures and chestnut woods, the natural forest stands structure diversification, the adult forests formation.