Vol. 60 No. 1 (2005):

Forests and forestry, night and day; learning to communicate

Paolo Vicentini
Funzionario in servizio presso il Mi.P.A.F. – Corpo Forestale dello Stato- div. III – Relazioni Internazionali.

Published 2005-02-28


  • knowledge,
  • dialogue,
  • understanding


The concept of «sustainable development» corresponds to the translation in English of the German term «nachhaltingkeit», utilized by H.C. von Carlowitz in the work «Sylvicultura oeconomica», published in 1713. This concept is considered on the light of several important authors, from the Greek philosophers to selected writers of the Christian Age. The paper is aimed at highlighting the role of the SFM in the framework of the debate on ethics and economics.