Vol. 79 No. 4 (2024)
Special section

Multilevel planning for responsible, renewed and effective forest management

Marco Marchetti
Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto, Sapienza Università di Roma e Fondazione Alberitalia ETS

Published 2024-10-15


  • multilevel management and planning,
  • sustainability and responsibility,
  • tools


The paper shows future perspectives of forest planning and management, as from the new framework that recent regulation and soft laws (TUFF and SFN) have prepared in the last years. It could be a renewed and efficient tool for implementing management and active conservation policies for forest and wooded lands. The complex frame of competencies and authorities needs multidisciplinary approaches to provide all ecosystem services that are more and more requested from local and urban populations. The global, european, national goals aimed to improve human wellbeing has, in fact, to be guaranteed with actions and human activities that must be ecologically and socially compatible and sustainable


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