Vol. 78 No. 1 (2023)
Technical notes

Technical summary for the implementation of forest planning databases in Italy

Piermaria Corona
CREA Foreste e Legno, Viale Santa Margherita 80, 52100 Arezzo, Italy
Benedetta Cucca
CREA Foreste e Legno, Via Valle della Quistione 27, 00166 Roma, Italy
Raoul Romano
CREA Politiche e Bioeconomia, Via Barberini, 36, 00187 Roma, Italy
Alessandro Alivernini
CREA Foreste e Legno, Via Valle della Quistione 27, 00166 Roma, Italy

Published 2023-04-17


  • forest management planning, strategic forest planning, forest plan mapping


The Italian forest law (Legislative Decree no. 34/2018, TUFF) provides that the forest planning system managed by the Regions and autonomous Provinces must be standardized on a national scale. In this perspective, article 6 paragraph 7 of the TUFF has provided for a specific implementing decree, issued at the end of 2021, which defines for the minimum common standards at national level. The latter decree postponed the definition of the list and formats of alphanumeric and geographical data of the planning system to a subsequent ministerial act. The present technical note illustrates in detail and comments on what is reported in this ministerial act, issued on February 2023.


  1. Corona P., Cucca B., Alivernini A., 2022 - Un percorso sfidante per la pianificazione forestale in Italia. Forest@, 19: 95-97. https://doi.org/10.3832/efor4175-019