Vol. 62 No. 3 (2007):

Forests and landscapes

Mariella Zoppi
Università degli Studi di Firenze.

Published 2007-06-10


  • landscape,
  • forests,
  • history,
  • transformations,
  • climate


The landscape as a sign of the ongoing transformations of places. In the 7th century, Saint Fiacre became Saint for having deforested a wood; today forest conservation and the increase of forested area guarantee the future of the planet.
Reconciling the safeguarding of natural resources with development (Stockholm Declaration, 1972) through the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, and the monitoring of desertification and climate change.
Policies concerning urban development and forest management, for governments but also local communities, and the private sector. The global warming: scenarios up to 2090 (IPCC, Brussels, 2007). The ancient Mesopotamia: a lesson
from history